Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Bayonetta IGN Review

Okay, first I want to say I'm back .sorry for the lack of updates but between working, Christmas Stuff, and my upstart PC repair racket I have had little time to update the blog. but now I'm back with the first of many posts here goes.

I know it's the 360 version but Sega botched the PS3 version so technicly there right this time the 360 verson is better just blame Sega for that.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Button Mash Holiday Buyers Guide part 2 Nintendo Wii

As of today Christmas is 27 days away not a lot of shopping days left right and you have to buy gifts for your families resident gamers well you're reading the right article. I'm going to show some of the best to buy this holiday season for the kid gamers and the hardcore gamers on your list this year.

Nintendo Wii Holiday Buyers Guide The Kids

Every year kids light up with joy at the though of a bright shining tree with dozens of presents under it this part of the guide will show some of the best gamming buys for your kid.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers

In a dimension of Vestroia, a Bakugan called Naga decides to absorb the energy of the two cores that keep the dimensions in place. He absorbed too much of a negative energy found in the Silent Core. The Infinity Core, the positive energy core, has been absorbed with Naga's sister, Wavern.
The story centers on group of friends who find metallic cards which have fallen from the sky. They name themselves the Bakugan Battle Brawlers and consist of seven children: Dan, Shun, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Alice, and later Joe. Together they learn more about the origin of Bakugan, the game involving them, and battle against Hal-G and Naga.

Ben 10 Alien Force

Based on hte popular Cartoon Network show this gamen is perfect game for hte younger gammer

New Super Mario Bros Wii

Now this my second favorite Wii game this year and it can be a great game for kid ore adults Hardcore Gammers and Casuales alike the perfect example of the what Nintendo is trying to do with the Wii.

Nintendo Wii Holiday Buyers Guide The Hardcore
The Heroes triumph on Cataclysm's eve wins three symbols of virtue. The Master Sword he shall then receive, keeping the Knights line true.  That is the Hardcore  Wii gamer creedo what the play by here is what the Hardcore warrior will be looking for this holiday. 

The Conduit 

The wii's biggest FPS (not counting Metroid Prime Coruption) and my favorite Wii game this year High Voltage and Sega came together and made one the FPS gmaes on Wii i've seen in a while  the single player is great but hte Multiplayer feels like a 360 game and the graphics almost look like 360. 

Call of Duty Moderen Warfare Reflex

Yup Suprised to see this right Moderen Warfare on Wii but here the best part it's not made the "A" team Infinity Ward no It's made by the ii friendly team Treyarch and it shows.

WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2010

it's this years WWE and you can make your own stories nuff said.

Button 2010 Preview No More Heroes Desperate Struggle

 This Button Mash preview is rated R
Along with my 2009 Holiday Buyers Guide I'm also working on Previews for some of the biggest games comming to Wii and PS3 in 2010. I'm starting with one of my personal favorites No More Heroes Desperate Struggle, the first No more Heroes almost won game of the year on Wii as well as Best New IP and Best Art Design on Wii in Last years IGN gamming Awards.

If that trailer dose not scream I'M AWSOME!!!!!! then you must be related to Jack Thompson (or your a soccer mom) No More Heroes 2 follows the second half of the story of Travis Touchdown the first games uhhh hero (i guess you can say that) after becoming the number one assassin in the UAA he's withdrawn form the ranks and and thus dropped to rank 51 in hte UAA Rankings. Travis only returns after his freind is killed (most lilkly by someone in the UAA) to get revenge and to sleep with Sylvia Christel his UAA agent. The fast food chain Pizza But also plays a part in the story having taken over Santa Destroy but what part they play is unknown.

Gameplay in NMH2 is abit of the same not like that is a bad thing since NMH is one of the best hack and slash titles i've played in a while. Suda51 has added a new Dual weilding Beam Katana (not Light Saber) system that allows to use 2 Beam Katanas at once incresing the carnage, also hte job system has been overhalued now the part time jobs that Travis has to do are in old school NES style giveing NMH2 just a little more gamming style and humor.

As seen in hte first game the bosses are just as bizar this time around, I mean look at him he attacks with boom boxes (when was the last time you saw that NEVER) and he's just the first boss No More Heroes is slated for a Jan, 26 2010 reles date so charg your batteries and get your Beam Katanas cause it's a MotherCanuking war.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

PS3 has it's Hero (sort of)

Readers of Japanese gaming mag Famitsu got a surprise this month when, flicking through the popular periodical, they found one of the Wii’s best games staring back at them with updated graphics and the words “PS3/360″ adorned above.

No More Heroes, Goichi Suda’s seminal action romp featuring the trials and tribulations of cocky anti-hero Travis Touchdown, might be one of best “more hardcore” games on Nintendo’s super-selling console. Unfortunately, akin to some other 3rd party titles on the Wii, it just didn’t sell as well as expected – especially if you consider the install base the Wii currently boasts.
All aboard the port train people.

This isn’t the first time Suda51 has hinted that his baby was jumping ship. Though NMH’s official sequel, “Desperate Struggle”, is set for a release next year on the Wii, Suda-san has intimated before that future editions in the series would be for Wii’s successor or other next-gen consoles.
Scans of the announcement can be found here where you can also check out the new “Very Sweet Mode”. With the ladies of the game shunning more clothing than usual, it’s very sweet indeed.
The scans aren’t great (a bit like our Japanese) but we’re working through the images to provide a full translation. One thing we can work out is that the “re-imagining” of the first game on HD consoles now has the subtitle “Eiyuutachi no Rakuen” (Heroes’ Paradise). Actually rakuen can also mean “pleasure garden” but we’ll stick with paradise for now.
The port hits Japan on February 25th with no news at the moment on the possibility of a Western port.
Original source: PS3Center

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The PSU will soon have a buddy

I was surfing the net looking a story to post and i found this story that someone
recently uncovered a patent for a mysterious Sony hand held controller, and when we went looking we discovered several different variations. The embedded images are from three different patents that we unearthed, each it seems variations on the standard concept of a controller that's not too dissimilar to the Wii Remote.  It lacks the unnamed motion controller's essential orb (pictured below), so either Sony has managed to make this a little more subtle than the prototype design or it's a controller for something else entirely. Unfortunately there's a distinct lack of information in the patents, beyond the fact that they're hand held controllers and registered by Sony Computer Entertainment back in July 2008.

The Legend if Zelda, Vitality Sensor, Wii 2 o my Nintendo Q&A

Nintendo's six mounth finacal satements came in so they held a Q&A to answer question about the future of Nintendo. Here wii go starting off with the DS, DSI-Ware and Wii-Ware

Opening the session, Shiegru Miyamoto provided an insight into his current musings, particularly what the Nintendo DSi LL will bring and a suggestion that something involving cats could be the next title to emerge from his hobbies.

"Thus one of our ideas is an 'in-house DS game play'," Miyamoto-san claimed when talking about the role of the DSi LL.  "Another idea is what I have been calling as a public space application. Currently we are focusing on DS as a game console that can be used outside of the home. Actually because Dragon Quest IX made Passing-By Connection much more popular, there has been an increase in people carrying around their DS, and we are trying to develop something unique around that factor."

"And, recently I have cats. That's all!"

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata moved on to discuss his thoughts about digital distribution, revealing that the online connection ratio of the Wii is Japan is "around 35%" and the DS "is probably, 20% or so".

Iwata-san doesn't appear to see digital distribution changing the landscape in the short term however, claiming, "In short, in 20 years or so I might say it will have probably changed. But in 5 years or so, I do not totally agree with opinions that no one will purchase titles at retailers by then."

Iwata-san moves onto suggest that WiiWare and DSiWare hasn't established a market yet and wanted to promote a window-shopping culture for the platforms.

"The current situation on Wii Shopping Channel or Nintendo DSi Shop is like a purchase with specific intent, where customers who already know the name and information of the game they want directly seek out what they want and bring it to the register to purchase," he said.  "Internally we have been discussing that we have to engage customers with less information to purchase. And as an experiment, we will be offering demo versions of specific titles next month on a trial basis to see if it can widen the customers. But I don't think that the demo version is the final solution. I believe that until customers have a reason to visit Wii Shopping Channel or Nintendo DSi Shop without purpose, digital distribution will not become popular."

Next up Miamoto-San and Iwata-San talk about the Wii Vitality Sensor
which was announced at E3 but has still yet to be shown in any context.  Miyamoto-san's answer failed to provide any tangible details, but the response was intriguing.

"Based on my experiences, to measure something invisible and have it turn into something tangible like a number like weighing myself on Wii Fit, or to give a numeric value to something invisible in our daily life will be materials of new plays which will feel familiar to us or can improve our lifestyles," he claimed.  "We are currently developing an efficient utilization around that factor."

Iwata-san added to the comment and suggested that we may not see anything until this time next year.  "I have to refrain from disclosing too much to keep the surprises of announcement; but please note that Wii Vitality Sensor is not a simple pulsimeter. I have a strong feeling something fun will appear around this gadget, and am planning to put it as one of the next year's main topics."

Next Miyimoto San give us small insight on hthe next LoZ for the Wii 
Miyamoto-san revealed that he's looking at MotionPlus compatibility for the next Legend of Zelda on Wii.  "... we are utilizing Wii MotionPlus," Miyamoto proclaimed.  "What has been disclosed so far is that we are finding the most efficient way to utilize Wii MotionPlus to realize the realistic and actual feeling of fighting with the sword. As for targeting, we are utilizing the pointing system of Wii Remote on the previous title. This time we are planning a more convenient and comfortable pointing system."

Next the panel talk about the future of Nintendo Hardware (thats not it in the above pic) 
he Q&A session moved onto the inevitable questions surrounding Nintendo's adoption of HD technology.  The answers were brilliantly opaque, but suggestive that Nintendo is looking to implement both; after all, as Miyamoto-san pointed out, what's the point of having Wii Fit in HD?  Perhaps Nintendo's going to surprise everybody and introduce its own standard - the ND.  Either way it's the traditional balance between cost and cutting-edge technology that has been central to Nintendo's strategy throughout the years.

"Since our division has been reviewing and developing a number of hardware, we are looking into many different things, including HD and SD," Genyo Takeda, General Manager Integrated Research & Development Division, revealed.  "Also included is the review over the systems with which the creators can easily create video games with limited budget and resources."

"However, we have not come to the stage where we can announce which is the most appropriate means. Since an increasing number of the TV sets at home around the world are becoming HD today, it will be natural for a machine to be able to generate graphics that people will be accustomed to see on HD televisions. Since the ordinary TV programs are now shifting to HD, moving to HD appears to me a natural flow."

I believe that we should take the most appropriate balance. We are not too much concerned about if the technology itself is the state-of-the-art or rather old-fashioned. If we can find out the most appropriate medium, between SD and HD, and flexibly move around them depending on the game's contents, it will be good, I think."

Takeda-san employed a fitting analogy to compare the storage space of a NES cartridge and a PS3 Blu-ray disc, but suggested that the increase in size doesn't correlate to the increase of game sales.

"If 24 kilo bytes of NES software can fit into 200cc tea cup, you will need enough water to fill a 25 meter swimming pool in order to make full use of a PS3 disc," he claimed.  "On the other hand, what has become of the sales per software? It has increased for sure, but it has not increased 1 million times, let alone 2 million times."

Revealing that Nintendo doesn't want to be caught behind however, Miaymoto-san quipped, "As long as my way of making games are concerned, all I am concerned about technologies is, we probably cannot swim against the tide."

"Won't HD be better for the games like Pikmin?" he pondered.  "The developers should choose the most appropriate graphical format depending on the software they make. To Nintendo, our theme is how we can prepare the SDK library to cater to the needs of the developers, with which the developers can more easily develop their games. In fact, Nintendo has been working with such mission."

Continuing the talk of Nintendo's next hardware move, Iwata-san described the technical hurdles that he and other developers had to leap to get the Nintendo64 to perform, which was addressed with the GameCube and Wii, and suggested they will "... keep this spirit for any future products."

Finally, Iwata-san suggested that the relationship between third-party publishers and Nintendo will have to change soon because "quite a few of the software makers are significantly concerned about the current situation".

Iwata-san explained, "In regard to the relationship, I often discuss with Mr. Hatano lately that we cannot foresee the future by saying, "It must be like this because it used to be that way in the past." It is time we have to invent new ways."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hulk Hogan TNA Debut and the future of TNA

Het TNA fans alot has happened in hte last month in TNA Kurt Angle lost hte TNA World Title(Hell Yeanh) Sting Retires(kinda) AJ Styles whens the TNA World Title(Best thing TNA ever did)  Kurt Angle Turns Face(Okay??) then the sign Hogan (the worst thing ever in TNA since jobbing out Christain Cage) yep Hogan the guy who killed WCW is now on TNA so you say Dixie Carter won't let Hogan take over maybe not completly at first but if no when he gets the TNA title it'll turn into Jaret and Angle all over again just not as entertaining so here's a little peek into TNA future

Hogan TNA Debut match

Hogan takes TNA title from AJ Styles (if they jobb AJ to Hogan in any copasity even an awsome match it would suck)

To  bad Booker T can't come in and wrestle AJ for the real TNA Title good luck TNA

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kame Sanin's Holiday Buyers guide

Ok folks it's theat time of year again thats right Chritmas(Xmas for some Huaknika or Quanza whatever the kids still get toys regarles). So to assist all you parents in releving yourself of all that money you have (you know you have it)  I've compiled a list of some the games you should look for for your kids, hardcore gamers(I hope your reading Mom) and elderly relatives(perfibly the ones with sight and mobility) Ok here gose I'll start with the 360

Holiday Buyers Guide Microsoft Xbox 360

Ok not much here but here goes

Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast

Yup hte most sucsesfull anime in history may have ended long ago but the video game franchise
lives and I cna rember spending a many a day of my childhood fighting with Goku, Vegeta and Earths Speacial Forces aginst the evils of Cell, Freeza and Majin Buu thoses were the days.

Band Hero

Yeah I just bashed this game like a month ago but it's for the kids (and may be your girl friend) if you have a little girl your buying for this is probly your best shot at not getting hated( at least tell the teen years)

Hardcore Gamers
Ok this is more my spot Hardcore games here goes.

One of the top selling franchises on 360 has a game for the hardcore gamer ODST in my book is one of hte best games to come out of the Halo camp it puts a different spin on the traditional Halo game. No reloading energy shields, super jumping nope your human this go round so if you get shot you better scramble for the health pack.

Left 4 Dead 2
Ok another game from a developer I bashed a mounth or 2 ago it's a good game. And that trailer I showed it to my Grandma one day and from looking a hte first few mins she thought it was a good christain game talking about his grandma and praying then they blasted the first zombie and she got mad and left it was awsome she still dosn't trust me when is say grandma check this out.

Assassin's Creed 2
YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS  the most anticipated game of the year(in my book) I've been folowing the romors and facts all year and now it's almost hear. Enjoy(lucky bums)


Tekken 6 and Street Fighter 4
I could decide wihch was better for the last spot and i had to rep japan on the list somwhere with out them this would not be possible so here you go.

Well heres your Holidy Buyers guide if there is a title I missed tell me in your reply enjoy. O yeah alll you COD, Moderen Warfare 2 guys I didn't put the game on the list cause it's a no brainer everybody and there moma will have this if not now the come Dec 25 so thats why it's not on hte list and it wont be on het PS2 list eather (Sorry).

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Bayonetta Tv spots

Saga not stop action title Bayonetta hits shelves in Japan very soon (if not now) everybody has compared the 2 versions of the game to each other the 360 one is better (blame Sega for that one) but now lets compare the TV spots.

Starting with the PS3

and the 360 spot

which one do u like I like the PS3 one

Big N has Big announcement

Nintendo has a huge anouncement comming up this monday (i think) it's been a little while since we had a BIG announcement outside of Pressers and events so i've made up small list of a few things it could be that Nintendo has up there sleve.

DSi Speak
As you'll read in my other post today there my be a voice feature comming to the DSi this could verey well warent a special announcement.

Also in a future post is Project Sora (no it's not Kingdom Hearts Wii) Project Sora is a 2nd Party studio of Nintendo lead by Sora LTD's Masahiro Sakurai (Kurby and Super Smash Bros) he's been working on a project so top secret it dosn't even have a nam. More info on project would warrent an announcement.

Nintendo Fall/Winter Press Event
                            Every year Nintendo has a Fall/Winter press event where they display there holiday titles and plains for next year so far they havent done this the year i would be suprised if the big anouncement was the date of the event

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


.....DAMN! At least that is what WWE Alumni Ron Simmons would say to the resent news from nintendo about there upcomming Wii game New Super Mario Bros. Big N has released 2 new trailrs for the game aswell as a suprising release date the Aussie version of New Super Mario Bros will be the first to be released in the world thats right not Japan not the US but Austraila gets it first. Now i checked the IGN Aussie release date list and it says Q4 2009 so that could be before or after the US and Japanese dates if the latter is not the case then all i can say is .......DAMN!

Here is trailer 1

And trailer 2

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If Sony wins we all win

Jack Trenton the head honcho at SCEA(State side Sony) 
said in an interview with forbes that "the environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry."
Now this statment has been getting a lot heat online from the Xbox Weboles and Big N Fanboys  I beleve this statment. MS made several price cuts over the years of the 360s life cycle but even when the 360 was below the Wii's it didn't warrent Nintendo to cut the price of the Wii, But Sony finaly gets to hte sweet spot of 299,99 then not only did MS cut the price on the 360 (again) but the Nintendo cut the price on the Wii. Sony's action warented hte reaction of the whole 1st party gaming community.

If sony wins we all win. BUY A PS3

Microsoft's Answer to Wii costs more than that Wii

So yesterday Microsoft dropped a Sony style bomb on the gaming world. Yesterday MS revealed the price for there Motion Tech Natal which will release next year around this time (maybe earlyer) is starting a $250.00 with room to drop as MS said for that much if u really want motion control that bad buy a Wii it feels better than waving ur arms around like lunatick.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Let it Roll cause Smackdown in unstoppable

That Let it roll by divide the day the new theme of Smackdown it was dabuted as the opening for the 10th Anniv of the Rock's show Smackdown! LET IT ROLL

Sunday, October 4, 2009

PS3 It only dose Uncharted 2

Sony and there crazy ads the go from almost naked german guys to guy giving blood to nazi general and now this for the good US of A.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

WWE Hell in a Cell 2009 Card and My Predictions

WWE's new Pay Per View Hell in a Cell is this Sunday so I thought i'd put up my predictions.

Smackdown Matches
WWE Intercontinental Championship John Morrison(C) Vs Dolph Ziggler aka Mr. Ziggles
Winner The Guru of Greatness John Morrison
As much as I would to see Ziggles finaly get the IC Title Morrison just got I doubt he'll lose it just yet there pushing Morrison to the top teir soon (within hte next 6 - 8 months for sure) so Mr. Ziggles might take a back seat on this one.

WWE Undiputed Tag Team Championship Batista and Rey Vs Jerishow(C)
Winner ??????
This one could either way Batista and Rey are the most popular team on Smackdown for that reasion alone they might win but Jerishow have been on a roll every since hte got hte titles so the could keep that going BUT if Jerishow wins Legacy will most likly lose to DX most likly putting them in the title hunt so expect DX Vs Jerishow at either Survivor Searies or Braging Rights (looking at recent WWE booking trends it might be both) were they will get screwed over by a Face Edge BUT(yet again) if Batista and Rey pull out the win DX might lose to Legacy(again) and then Legacy will face Batista and Rey for tag straps at SS or Bragin Rights witch is more likly the case since Braging Rights is a Smackdown Vs Raw Vs ECDub PPV (Legacy reps Raw anf Batista and Rey reps SD)

World Heavyweaght Championship CM Punk(C) Vs the Undertaker In a Hell in a Cell
Winner The Only Stright EDGE World Heavyweaght Champion CM PUNK!!!!!!
yep Punk will pull out the nigh impossible again and beat Taker in a HiaC. This fued will probly flow to Mannia to kinda mirror Edge's fued with Taker there basicly building Punk up like a Edge clone cause Edge is comming back as a Face to fued with Jericho.

Raw Matches

WWE Divas Championship Micke James(C) Vs Alicia Fox
Winner Mickie James
Of course Fox is still kinda green (not to mention i don't really like her) to come stright up and pick up the title from Mickie not just yet maybe if the make a fued of it maybe (a 200 yard long shot maybe)
O yeah Richmond, Va  FTW!!!!!!!!!

WWE United States Heavyweaight Championship Kofi Kingston(C) Vs The Miz Vs Jack Swagger
Winner Jack Swagger or The Miz
Well this one is kinda a toss up even though I know Kofi wont retain again I think the Jamica Mericle will end here witch kinda sucks cause i like Kofi. Swagger is gone over with vince and he's getting a push so it would only be roght to give the mid card strap. Then theres The Miz his recent change has made that much more AWSOME and it kinda seems the have been pushing him every since he split with Morrison (He was on RAW for 2 weeks and got a fued with Cena)giving him a title to match Morrsion would work.

DX Vs Legacy In a Hell in a Cell
Winner DX
Now I know this kinda blows most of the Tag Team Title match stuff up there but come on it's HH and HBK do you really think they'll get jobbed again nope they'll win and go on teh fight Jerishow and take the titles.

WWE Championship John Cena(C) Vs Randy Orton
Winner(sigh) John Cena
Yep i probly just lost like 20 readers at this point but really do u think Cena will lose in a first ever match for him unfortunatly not Cena will retain so they can sell that new line of John Cena action figures with 5 knuckle shuffle action.(sigh there gose the rest of my readers)

How do you tell an MMA fighter u think he sucks?

How do you tell an MMA Fighter you think he sucks? Ask the guys at EA (if you wanna get ur face rearanged). The EA MMA video game dev team did it and, check out end result.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Smackdown vs Raw 2010 Countdown week 1

Smackdown Vs Raw 2010 this years Madden like wrestling game and one hte games i'm looking foward to the most this (I'm a huge wrestling fan) we have roughly 3-4 weeks left before the hits stores so starting every week on monday and Friday i'll post one song from the SvR 2010 soundtrack and alittle on of teh Superstars in the game.

This is one of the best songs I've heard so far on the Sountrack

New Pokemon game comming to Wii

As reported on the latest issue of Famitsu magazine had an interview with the President of the Pokemon Company in japan Mr. Ishihara the manly talked about Heart Gold and Soul Silver but at the end on the interview he sates that "I can't go into details about it, but we're also working on a Wii game. It should be announced soon."

Think of the possiblities it could be an updated version of Pokemon Battle Revolution or it could an 3d rpg like Pokemon Gale Of Darkness which would be awsome or the unlikely one would be The Poemon World MMORPG any one of these would be a sure hit with fans of pokes (like my self) as long as it's not a Pokemon Dungon game they've already made like 5 this yead and thats alot of pokemon games we only get 5 core rpgs a generation.

The Final Reason to hate Actavision

Yep I've gotten to the end of my episodic tirade against Actavision. The last reason to hate Activision and a few reasion not to hate them (as much)here goes.

Guitar Hero 5 at least the song list anyway. When I saw the footage of GH5 I was happy I actualy stopped making these posts for awhile(I also needed to come up with ideas) then a few days latter I saw the song list and all that happiness went away. Then I played my freined's copy and saw the Song Store and figured it out. Actavision made a really solid GH title to hook people ino buying the made a new Guitar charge the Wii gamers the HD system price claiming it's for licensing  all money making ploys on a game that acording to Bobby dosen't cost enough. Then if u happen to wade through all this and still buy the game they suck more money out of you buy more just to get an pretty good song list. So you say maybe use the import option and import the World Tour yeah thats cool but you still have to buy the songs you bought when you bought World Tour. So you buy GH5 right with the new Guitar it'l run you about $90 bucks then you get the World Tour import songs thats about $12 dollers and say u acually find something on hte store u wanna buy thats $3 bucks for a sond that most likly costs 99 cents on Itunes (or for free at those eye patch freandly venues) so all in all you pay $105 dollers for roughly the same expeareance you get on World Tour. (which u already paid for) dang

Now not every thing that Big Ac has done is bad Actavision has done so good things too one being the merger with Blizzard and giving all us console gamers a glimer of hope that we might see games like WOW and Diablo on consoles somthing we might have never seen with out Activision.

Actavision might be an evil organization (kinda) we might never see that on say a PS3 ever so thank you Big Ac for giving us dreams of playing WOW for hte comfort of my couch and for robbing us of millons of dollers again we say thank you. 

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Here the vids fro the Sony TGS Presser

for some reason the vids didn't show up so here the are

White Knight Chronicles 2



One thing I forgot from the other page Capcom is making a version of Resident Evil 5
that uses the PSUI the Dual Shock 3

TGS 09 Sony Press Event

Well several hours ago Sony had there TGS 09 Presser I just read the IGN Sony Team's live blog detailing what went down.

Due to the fact that I'm lazy I'll give you highlights.

Next year a service called Comic will come to PSP, this service will allow you to download digital versions for your favorite Comics and Manga to ur PSP

Sony is also developing a Home like service for PSP called Room that allows bloging and chatting along with other Home like features just more portable

Sony and Konami are getting together to make a Winning Eleven PSP3000(I don't know why)Bundle

Coming with the launch of Gran Turismo PSP also comes a GT PSPGo bundle

PSP GO and Gran Turismo

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dth="415" height="250">


Not much here except an update to the Japan video service now they have big name movies big name movies like Terminator 4


OK what we've all been waiting for PS3 news

First Square Enix and Sony Will be shipping a PS3 FFXIII bundle there calling it the PS3 Lighting Strikes Bundle It will contain a PS3 Slim that's white with redish peace ooo just look at the pic

This bundle will release with FFXIII this year for Japan

Next up is Gran Turismo 5 we finally get a release window of March 2010 there will be over 900 cars and 70 courses making the largest racing game of all time oo and we get a trailer too

name="movie" value="

value="always"> allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen
="true" width="415" height="250">object>

Last but not least is a surprise to me all u hardcore Sony fans would know what it is.

White Knight Chronicles 2!!!

param>value="always"> allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen
="true" width="415" height="250">

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

It's Official the Wii ponage continues

It's Official the Wii ponage continues

Sony drops teh PS3's price and gets a 14,000% increse in sales in a week MS follows suit (cause thats what they do) now Big N chops 50 bucks off the wii i guess that 50% sales drop hurts more than we knew. Wii now 199.99 get while u can.

King Kaz Speakes

Thats right this is the "THIRD" time i've this Kaz pic but whatever. Kaz Harai gave his TGS Keynote tonite he went over spike in PS3 sales the release of the PSP GO(EPIC FAIL im sorry) when I read it there were 3 things that cought my attention. 1 was he mention Yakuza 4 didn't know they were making a 4th one(another one we'll get 3 years down the line). 2 He dropped the name of the PS3 Motion Controler the offical name is Playstaion UI or PSUI for short. and the final thing I can only show you so here it is.

TGS 2009 is ON!!!!!

The Tokyo Game Show 2009 Officaly starts today EA held there Presser last night with no real news Sony TGS Presser is 10:30 AM Thursday Tokyo time which is about 8:30 PM US EST
so I should have coverage up between 8:45 and 9:00 EST

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sega brings gifts to King Kaz in a secret meeting

Thanks to Joystic and the same Sega FTP that leaked Sega as Conduit's publisher (nobody and Sega sees a paturn here) has leaked a meeting Sega of America's head Roy (somthing i kinda forgot) and SCEA higher ups about whats next

Alleged official meeting notes:

SCEA Meeting Aug 5th Notes

Objectives of Meeting
  • Dyer agreed to regular quarterly meetings with SOA
Sony PS3
  • SCEA reiterated plans to sell 13 million PS3s this year
  • Big announcement back half of year they can't talk about (potentially price cut of PS3 to reach hardware goals)
  • SCEA commented on indexing between PS3 and 360 SKUs, should be around 2:1 to garner most favorable treatment.
Motion Controller
  • Spring 2010 launch (March in JP)
  • No bundle/pricing details yet, should come Sept 1
  • Plan on selling 4-5MM units WW
  • SCEA agreed to provide a list of Sega IP that would work well with the motion controller, Virtua Tennis was an example
  • Motion Controller support allows easy way to differentiate PS3 SKU
  • Other differentiation opportunities include PSP/PS3 interoperability – think of features that would make users want to buy both PS3 and PSP SKUs.
Alpha Protocol
  • Michael Foster, product evaluator, said AP felt barely RPG. Initial level too challenging for players. "Mass Effect felt more RPG."
  • Review notes sent to John Merlino a few weeks prior. After meeting Gerald mentioned AP is a high priority for his team.
Planet 51
  • Sell in of PS3 SKU – SCEA noted that other movie titles on PS3 had underperformed as well (inc. Transformers) this cycle.
  • Dyer suggests contacting Susan at Walmart and asking what she wants in the pack to sell this SKU (movie tix etc)
  • Other possibilities are Hybrid movie disc (BD 25 or 50 with Game and Movie on same disc).
  • Collectors edition with Bayonetta Action Figure
  • Novo recommended launching PSN demo around Xmas based off a Jan 5th Ship date with 2-3 week run out to launch.
  • 3-4 weeks is usually ideal demo timing with fresh content every week leading up to launch (trailers, insider video about PG heritage, video blogs).
Vancouver 2010
  • HOME, Olympic destination would garner a lot of positive attention from SCEA
  • Should be doing same with Bayonetta, Marvel etc. Easy to launch in all territories.
  • HOME merchandizing opportunities (clothes etc).
Sonic Racing
  • Open to DLC to differentiate PS3 SKU – not ratchet and clank but other characters
  • maybe characters from Rare or Fable universes
  • Could put Japanese games directly on PSN for download in a special Japanese Import section (pricing $9.99 to $39.99 for full game).
  • Might need to localize menus at least with subtitles.
  • SCEA interested in helping on MKTG side if they can have period of exclusivity.
  • Another great HOME candidate
  • AVP avatars
  • Hybrid BD disc with movie
Iron Man 2
  • Great candidate for HOME space – explore Tony Stark's lab etc.
  • Should have one for Marvel in general.
  • Could do bundle at GameStop with PSP 30-35K units on UMD, Go, or both.
Valkyria 1937
  • Could bundle with PSP as well.
Vanquish and Aliens: CM
  • Opportunity for PS3/PSP interoperability (see Eidos Batman, Army of Two, Assassin's Creed for good examples).
  • If we offer that SCEA would be really interested in having us at their booth next E3.
  • SCEA would like a look at the code soon.
Sonic Anniversary
  • Could put out collectors edition with all old sonic games on one BD disc.
  • "Best of Sonic" for around $99.
  • SCEA would love PSN exclusive power ups/different game modes (like Castlevania's flip it over/backwards)
PS2 emulator for PS3 (confidential)
  • SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN (GTA Vice City/Sonic/etc)
  • For co Marketing money show PS3 controller on TV ads – similar to EA Madden Spots, NCAA, etc...
London Olympics
  • Perfect opportunity for Motion Controller integration.
DC Digital Titles
  • If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they're interested in having exclusively.
  • If we give them a long period of exclusivity they'll give us more marketing support.
PSP Titles
  • For SKU differentiation it's best to offer features that are slightly different from PS3 version.
  • Titles that are coming up on PSP are Assassin's Creed II, GTA China Wars, Resident Evil, Little Big Planet – all massive franchises.
  • SCEA has a specific PSP deck which they can send up with their hardware director for a chat.
For the full articles go to Joystic

The secret of The Secret World

The secret of The Secret World

The Secret World is a new MMORPG from FUNCOM (Conan MMO) I've been watching this game for awhile with great intrest. The gameplay of TSW is one that is a growing thing in the MMO genra and that is the skill system (think FFXIIII) which dose not used Levels or Classes but uses a verity of skills and cuntomazation to diffrentiate players from on another alowing new useres too play the game more esaly. Also there will be a Guild system where players take a personality test to see where they would fit eather the religous Templars or the secretive Iluminati or the
deceving Dragon inside each faction the player can create groups of there own called Cabals that are seprate but loyal to one of the main groups.

(Curtasy of Wikipedia)
The game will feature an original setting created by Funcom, with contemporary elements as well as "magic, myths, conspiracies and dark horrors".[11] Contrary to rumors, spawned by this game's second working title, it has neither anything to do with, nor is inspired by the .hack franchise and its setting.[12] Tørnquist debunked several rumors surrounding The Secret World, stating that "there are no aliens or sci-fi elements" in it.[10] He also denied any connection of TSW to The Longest Journey.[10]

At GDC 2009, Tørnquist revealed more about the setting and the story.[2] He stressed that the game is set in the "modern day real world" but also incorporates pieces of ancient mythologies, real and false history, urban legends, and pop culture, and ties them into an original back-story. The latter is said to go back in time for 100 million years and encompass long extinct ancient civilizations. The players will assume the roles of supernatural heroes who participate in a "future war between good and evil", fighting dark monsters that threaten the modern world. Tørnquist identified the genre of the story as dark fantasy, mentioning vampires, demons, and zombies. The players will be free to travel across different locations of the world (both real, like London and New York, and mythical, e.g. Agartha, the legendary city located within Hollow Earth[13]) and even in time, to pursue the overall plot and investigate new mysteries in connection to the dark invasion. The overall plot will have a conclusion but the designers also leave room for future expansions.

Kaz wants you!!!

Thats right Kaz want you will you anwer the call.

Are you at the top of your game? Now you have a chance to prove it in the new reality competition series for PlayStation® Network called The Tester. The lucky winner will earn a contract position at Sony Computer Entertainment's Quality Assurance department in San Diego, CA, where he or she will get hands on time with the most highly anticipated games in the industry.
You must be at least 21 years of age and legally eligible to work in and a current resident of the United States for consideration.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Reasions to hate activision episode 4

Reasons to hate Activasion episode 4

Actavision killed Christmas

Thats right that is a pic a flaming Christmas tree your Christmas tree. that would have been hte had great games like Bioshock 2, Bayoneta, Dead Rising 2, Mass Effect 2, Diablo 3 (i'm just jokeing whith that last one). You'll all say how did Actavision do this well it's simple realy it's Modern Warfare 2 the game some say might be the biggest seling game this year with this new IPs
like Bayoneta and semi strong sequles like Bioshock 2don't stand a chance aginst a power house like CoD MW2 (diffinetly in this economy)

Now some would say what about ODST, and Uncharted 2 yeah the play a role aswell but as Exclusives they take a smaller marker share so frow a sales PoV Bioshock 2 would have the advantage a bigger install base then say Halo ODST Given hte fact they the PS3 gamers vvice Versa for Uncharted 2 but combine thoose with COD MW2 and u have a sales lock out.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Otaku Sukuizu Episode 1

This is the coolness that is The Otaku Sukuizu. T.O.S is a post dedicated to anime
and all things Japan in this Episode somewhat new anime comming out of Japan
and one comming to the Splash.

First up we have Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood

FMA: Brotherhood is a reteling of the story of teh Elric brothers Al and Ed and there quest
for the Philosiper Stone. FMA: Brotherhood is told from the POV of the manga. FMA: Brotherhood is currently being Subbed and streamed online by Funimation(I think i'll check
on that latter).

Next is DragonBall Kai

DragonBall Kai is and HD remastered version of the graetest action anime ever made DragonBall Z DragonBall Kai is currently being Dubbed by Funimation hopefaly for a TV Release
but uncut DVDs would nice too.

And last but not least the first anime to be shown fully on the this blog
Naruto Shippuden starting this Friday I will be posting full epis of Naruto

Sony Squeeze Episode 2 Little Big Katamari

Ok this is a new feature of the Koolaid Splash it's called the Sony Squeeze(Yeah I know the
name sucks). The Sony Squeeze I will give a look at one (Sometimes 2) Sony exclusives titles
by posting videos and all the info I can find on that game. For this Epi of The SS we have 2 games
(Somewhat) the first being Katamari Forever.

Katamari Forever is the first Katamari Exclusively for PS3. Katamari Forever contains a mix of 30 levels, with some being brand new and some being levels from previous titles in the series. Older levels take place within the mind of the King of All Cosmos, who gets knocked in the head and suffers from amnesia. The levels are black-and-white in appearance, and the objective is to roll up junk to bring color back to the stages. New stages take place in the present, where RoboKing, a giant robotic version of the King of All Cosmos created by the cousins, goes on a rampage and destroys all the stars in the sky. The objective of the new levels involves creating stars by rolling up junk as in previous Katamari Damacy games.

So in the early parts of teh game think Da Blob meets Katamari (A match made in heaven)
then latter in the game returnes to it's roots which is still cool. You and get ur roll on with Katamari Forever on the stateside Sept. 22

Now the second one isn't really a game but wore of an addon to another cool PS3 game
but never the less it will still be cool. I present to you (for those of u who don't know)
Little Big Planet Water!

Little Big Planet Water is an addon to one of the most popular PS3 games to date Little Big Planet(derr). With the water addon pack it alows you to add water to your created levels making
thaing that much more interesting.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ok the blog is back up

Ok the blog is back up I think I might have violated some rule by posting
the DragonBall Kai Ep i don't know. But the blog is back and I should have a few posts
ready by Thursday morning at the earlyest. Starting off with Reason to hate Activision
Episode 3 and a look at another PS3 exclusive. So watch this space.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm back

yep I'm back I had to deal with some Tech issues going back to school then
not going right now as well as working on a few projects for the blog some of them I will
reveal in the coming weeks.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The intresting tale on the Origami Killer Heavy Rain

Details about the plot of Heavy Rain remain scarce. Director David Cage has stated that Heavy Rain would be "a very dark film noir thriller with mature themes", without any supernatural elements,[10] and that "the real message [of the game] is about how far you're willing to go to save someone you love

The game is played using a series of context sensitive actions and quick time events. When investigating, players are controlled with the R2 button to walk and the left-analogue stick to turn and look around, whilst other controls are done using the buttons, the right analogue stick and moving the motion sensitive controller. Players are able to bring up a bunch of thoughts by holding the L1 button and pressing corresponding buttons to say or do what they're thinking. These thoughts will sometimes blur, and selecting them at the wrong time will affect the character's reaction, such as saying something in the wrong way.

Action sequences, such as when the player is being attacked, play out as quick time events. Players will be presented with various symbols, requiring them to either press buttons, move the right analogue stick in a certain way, or shake or tilt the controller. Failure to execute these commands take the story along a different path, and certain mistakes will lead to a character's death. For example, in one scene, Norman Jayden is interrogating a suspect named Mad Jack when he starts to suffer from withdrawal symptoms and button prompts will show up. If he fails to take his drugs, he will be taken to a scenario in which he will have to escape from a car before it is thrown into a crusher, killing him. In scenes like these, a 'timer' scene is shown at the bottom of the screen, indicating how long the player has to escape from his predicament.

If a character dies, the game does not end, and play control switches to another character, with the events of the previous character's death affecting the story.[11] In the event that all four characters die, there is a proper conclusion to the story and the game ends.