Sunday, September 27, 2009

New Pokemon game comming to Wii

As reported on the latest issue of Famitsu magazine had an interview with the President of the Pokemon Company in japan Mr. Ishihara the manly talked about Heart Gold and Soul Silver but at the end on the interview he sates that "I can't go into details about it, but we're also working on a Wii game. It should be announced soon."

Think of the possiblities it could be an updated version of Pokemon Battle Revolution or it could an 3d rpg like Pokemon Gale Of Darkness which would be awsome or the unlikely one would be The Poemon World MMORPG any one of these would be a sure hit with fans of pokes (like my self) as long as it's not a Pokemon Dungon game they've already made like 5 this yead and thats alot of pokemon games we only get 5 core rpgs a generation.

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