Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The secret of The Secret World

The secret of The Secret World

The Secret World is a new MMORPG from FUNCOM (Conan MMO) I've been watching this game for awhile with great intrest. The gameplay of TSW is one that is a growing thing in the MMO genra and that is the skill system (think FFXIIII) which dose not used Levels or Classes but uses a verity of skills and cuntomazation to diffrentiate players from on another alowing new useres too play the game more esaly. Also there will be a Guild system where players take a personality test to see where they would fit eather the religous Templars or the secretive Iluminati or the
deceving Dragon inside each faction the player can create groups of there own called Cabals that are seprate but loyal to one of the main groups.

(Curtasy of Wikipedia)
The game will feature an original setting created by Funcom, with contemporary elements as well as "magic, myths, conspiracies and dark horrors".[11] Contrary to rumors, spawned by this game's second working title, it has neither anything to do with, nor is inspired by the .hack franchise and its setting.[12] Tørnquist debunked several rumors surrounding The Secret World, stating that "there are no aliens or sci-fi elements" in it.[10] He also denied any connection of TSW to The Longest Journey.[10]

At GDC 2009, Tørnquist revealed more about the setting and the story.[2] He stressed that the game is set in the "modern day real world" but also incorporates pieces of ancient mythologies, real and false history, urban legends, and pop culture, and ties them into an original back-story. The latter is said to go back in time for 100 million years and encompass long extinct ancient civilizations. The players will assume the roles of supernatural heroes who participate in a "future war between good and evil", fighting dark monsters that threaten the modern world. Tørnquist identified the genre of the story as dark fantasy, mentioning vampires, demons, and zombies. The players will be free to travel across different locations of the world (both real, like London and New York, and mythical, e.g. Agartha, the legendary city located within Hollow Earth[13]) and even in time, to pursue the overall plot and investigate new mysteries in connection to the dark invasion. The overall plot will have a conclusion but the designers also leave room for future expansions.

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