Wednesday, October 7, 2009

If Sony wins we all win

Jack Trenton the head honcho at SCEA(State side Sony) 
said in an interview with forbes that "the environment where PlayStation wins is best for this industry."
Now this statment has been getting a lot heat online from the Xbox Weboles and Big N Fanboys  I beleve this statment. MS made several price cuts over the years of the 360s life cycle but even when the 360 was below the Wii's it didn't warrent Nintendo to cut the price of the Wii, But Sony finaly gets to hte sweet spot of 299,99 then not only did MS cut the price on the 360 (again) but the Nintendo cut the price on the Wii. Sony's action warented hte reaction of the whole 1st party gaming community.

If sony wins we all win. BUY A PS3

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