Saturday, November 28, 2009

Button 2010 Preview No More Heroes Desperate Struggle

 This Button Mash preview is rated R
Along with my 2009 Holiday Buyers Guide I'm also working on Previews for some of the biggest games comming to Wii and PS3 in 2010. I'm starting with one of my personal favorites No More Heroes Desperate Struggle, the first No more Heroes almost won game of the year on Wii as well as Best New IP and Best Art Design on Wii in Last years IGN gamming Awards.

If that trailer dose not scream I'M AWSOME!!!!!! then you must be related to Jack Thompson (or your a soccer mom) No More Heroes 2 follows the second half of the story of Travis Touchdown the first games uhhh hero (i guess you can say that) after becoming the number one assassin in the UAA he's withdrawn form the ranks and and thus dropped to rank 51 in hte UAA Rankings. Travis only returns after his freind is killed (most lilkly by someone in the UAA) to get revenge and to sleep with Sylvia Christel his UAA agent. The fast food chain Pizza But also plays a part in the story having taken over Santa Destroy but what part they play is unknown.

Gameplay in NMH2 is abit of the same not like that is a bad thing since NMH is one of the best hack and slash titles i've played in a while. Suda51 has added a new Dual weilding Beam Katana (not Light Saber) system that allows to use 2 Beam Katanas at once incresing the carnage, also hte job system has been overhalued now the part time jobs that Travis has to do are in old school NES style giveing NMH2 just a little more gamming style and humor.

As seen in hte first game the bosses are just as bizar this time around, I mean look at him he attacks with boom boxes (when was the last time you saw that NEVER) and he's just the first boss No More Heroes is slated for a Jan, 26 2010 reles date so charg your batteries and get your Beam Katanas cause it's a MotherCanuking war.

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