Saturday, November 28, 2009

Button Mash Holiday Buyers Guide part 2 Nintendo Wii

As of today Christmas is 27 days away not a lot of shopping days left right and you have to buy gifts for your families resident gamers well you're reading the right article. I'm going to show some of the best to buy this holiday season for the kid gamers and the hardcore gamers on your list this year.

Nintendo Wii Holiday Buyers Guide The Kids

Every year kids light up with joy at the though of a bright shining tree with dozens of presents under it this part of the guide will show some of the best gamming buys for your kid.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers

In a dimension of Vestroia, a Bakugan called Naga decides to absorb the energy of the two cores that keep the dimensions in place. He absorbed too much of a negative energy found in the Silent Core. The Infinity Core, the positive energy core, has been absorbed with Naga's sister, Wavern.
The story centers on group of friends who find metallic cards which have fallen from the sky. They name themselves the Bakugan Battle Brawlers and consist of seven children: Dan, Shun, Runo, Marucho, Julie, Alice, and later Joe. Together they learn more about the origin of Bakugan, the game involving them, and battle against Hal-G and Naga.

Ben 10 Alien Force

Based on hte popular Cartoon Network show this gamen is perfect game for hte younger gammer

New Super Mario Bros Wii

Now this my second favorite Wii game this year and it can be a great game for kid ore adults Hardcore Gammers and Casuales alike the perfect example of the what Nintendo is trying to do with the Wii.

Nintendo Wii Holiday Buyers Guide The Hardcore
The Heroes triumph on Cataclysm's eve wins three symbols of virtue. The Master Sword he shall then receive, keeping the Knights line true.  That is the Hardcore  Wii gamer creedo what the play by here is what the Hardcore warrior will be looking for this holiday. 

The Conduit 

The wii's biggest FPS (not counting Metroid Prime Coruption) and my favorite Wii game this year High Voltage and Sega came together and made one the FPS gmaes on Wii i've seen in a while  the single player is great but hte Multiplayer feels like a 360 game and the graphics almost look like 360. 

Call of Duty Moderen Warfare Reflex

Yup Suprised to see this right Moderen Warfare on Wii but here the best part it's not made the "A" team Infinity Ward no It's made by the ii friendly team Treyarch and it shows.

WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2010

it's this years WWE and you can make your own stories nuff said.

Button 2010 Preview No More Heroes Desperate Struggle

 This Button Mash preview is rated R
Along with my 2009 Holiday Buyers Guide I'm also working on Previews for some of the biggest games comming to Wii and PS3 in 2010. I'm starting with one of my personal favorites No More Heroes Desperate Struggle, the first No more Heroes almost won game of the year on Wii as well as Best New IP and Best Art Design on Wii in Last years IGN gamming Awards.

If that trailer dose not scream I'M AWSOME!!!!!! then you must be related to Jack Thompson (or your a soccer mom) No More Heroes 2 follows the second half of the story of Travis Touchdown the first games uhhh hero (i guess you can say that) after becoming the number one assassin in the UAA he's withdrawn form the ranks and and thus dropped to rank 51 in hte UAA Rankings. Travis only returns after his freind is killed (most lilkly by someone in the UAA) to get revenge and to sleep with Sylvia Christel his UAA agent. The fast food chain Pizza But also plays a part in the story having taken over Santa Destroy but what part they play is unknown.

Gameplay in NMH2 is abit of the same not like that is a bad thing since NMH is one of the best hack and slash titles i've played in a while. Suda51 has added a new Dual weilding Beam Katana (not Light Saber) system that allows to use 2 Beam Katanas at once incresing the carnage, also hte job system has been overhalued now the part time jobs that Travis has to do are in old school NES style giveing NMH2 just a little more gamming style and humor.

As seen in hte first game the bosses are just as bizar this time around, I mean look at him he attacks with boom boxes (when was the last time you saw that NEVER) and he's just the first boss No More Heroes is slated for a Jan, 26 2010 reles date so charg your batteries and get your Beam Katanas cause it's a MotherCanuking war.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

PS3 has it's Hero (sort of)

Readers of Japanese gaming mag Famitsu got a surprise this month when, flicking through the popular periodical, they found one of the Wii’s best games staring back at them with updated graphics and the words “PS3/360″ adorned above.

No More Heroes, Goichi Suda’s seminal action romp featuring the trials and tribulations of cocky anti-hero Travis Touchdown, might be one of best “more hardcore” games on Nintendo’s super-selling console. Unfortunately, akin to some other 3rd party titles on the Wii, it just didn’t sell as well as expected – especially if you consider the install base the Wii currently boasts.
All aboard the port train people.

This isn’t the first time Suda51 has hinted that his baby was jumping ship. Though NMH’s official sequel, “Desperate Struggle”, is set for a release next year on the Wii, Suda-san has intimated before that future editions in the series would be for Wii’s successor or other next-gen consoles.
Scans of the announcement can be found here where you can also check out the new “Very Sweet Mode”. With the ladies of the game shunning more clothing than usual, it’s very sweet indeed.
The scans aren’t great (a bit like our Japanese) but we’re working through the images to provide a full translation. One thing we can work out is that the “re-imagining” of the first game on HD consoles now has the subtitle “Eiyuutachi no Rakuen” (Heroes’ Paradise). Actually rakuen can also mean “pleasure garden” but we’ll stick with paradise for now.
The port hits Japan on February 25th with no news at the moment on the possibility of a Western port.
Original source: PS3Center

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The PSU will soon have a buddy

I was surfing the net looking a story to post and i found this story that someone
recently uncovered a patent for a mysterious Sony hand held controller, and when we went looking we discovered several different variations. The embedded images are from three different patents that we unearthed, each it seems variations on the standard concept of a controller that's not too dissimilar to the Wii Remote.  It lacks the unnamed motion controller's essential orb (pictured below), so either Sony has managed to make this a little more subtle than the prototype design or it's a controller for something else entirely. Unfortunately there's a distinct lack of information in the patents, beyond the fact that they're hand held controllers and registered by Sony Computer Entertainment back in July 2008.

The Legend if Zelda, Vitality Sensor, Wii 2 o my Nintendo Q&A

Nintendo's six mounth finacal satements came in so they held a Q&A to answer question about the future of Nintendo. Here wii go starting off with the DS, DSI-Ware and Wii-Ware

Opening the session, Shiegru Miyamoto provided an insight into his current musings, particularly what the Nintendo DSi LL will bring and a suggestion that something involving cats could be the next title to emerge from his hobbies.

"Thus one of our ideas is an 'in-house DS game play'," Miyamoto-san claimed when talking about the role of the DSi LL.  "Another idea is what I have been calling as a public space application. Currently we are focusing on DS as a game console that can be used outside of the home. Actually because Dragon Quest IX made Passing-By Connection much more popular, there has been an increase in people carrying around their DS, and we are trying to develop something unique around that factor."

"And, recently I have cats. That's all!"

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata moved on to discuss his thoughts about digital distribution, revealing that the online connection ratio of the Wii is Japan is "around 35%" and the DS "is probably, 20% or so".

Iwata-san doesn't appear to see digital distribution changing the landscape in the short term however, claiming, "In short, in 20 years or so I might say it will have probably changed. But in 5 years or so, I do not totally agree with opinions that no one will purchase titles at retailers by then."

Iwata-san moves onto suggest that WiiWare and DSiWare hasn't established a market yet and wanted to promote a window-shopping culture for the platforms.

"The current situation on Wii Shopping Channel or Nintendo DSi Shop is like a purchase with specific intent, where customers who already know the name and information of the game they want directly seek out what they want and bring it to the register to purchase," he said.  "Internally we have been discussing that we have to engage customers with less information to purchase. And as an experiment, we will be offering demo versions of specific titles next month on a trial basis to see if it can widen the customers. But I don't think that the demo version is the final solution. I believe that until customers have a reason to visit Wii Shopping Channel or Nintendo DSi Shop without purpose, digital distribution will not become popular."

Next up Miamoto-San and Iwata-San talk about the Wii Vitality Sensor
which was announced at E3 but has still yet to be shown in any context.  Miyamoto-san's answer failed to provide any tangible details, but the response was intriguing.

"Based on my experiences, to measure something invisible and have it turn into something tangible like a number like weighing myself on Wii Fit, or to give a numeric value to something invisible in our daily life will be materials of new plays which will feel familiar to us or can improve our lifestyles," he claimed.  "We are currently developing an efficient utilization around that factor."

Iwata-san added to the comment and suggested that we may not see anything until this time next year.  "I have to refrain from disclosing too much to keep the surprises of announcement; but please note that Wii Vitality Sensor is not a simple pulsimeter. I have a strong feeling something fun will appear around this gadget, and am planning to put it as one of the next year's main topics."

Next Miyimoto San give us small insight on hthe next LoZ for the Wii 
Miyamoto-san revealed that he's looking at MotionPlus compatibility for the next Legend of Zelda on Wii.  "... we are utilizing Wii MotionPlus," Miyamoto proclaimed.  "What has been disclosed so far is that we are finding the most efficient way to utilize Wii MotionPlus to realize the realistic and actual feeling of fighting with the sword. As for targeting, we are utilizing the pointing system of Wii Remote on the previous title. This time we are planning a more convenient and comfortable pointing system."

Next the panel talk about the future of Nintendo Hardware (thats not it in the above pic) 
he Q&A session moved onto the inevitable questions surrounding Nintendo's adoption of HD technology.  The answers were brilliantly opaque, but suggestive that Nintendo is looking to implement both; after all, as Miyamoto-san pointed out, what's the point of having Wii Fit in HD?  Perhaps Nintendo's going to surprise everybody and introduce its own standard - the ND.  Either way it's the traditional balance between cost and cutting-edge technology that has been central to Nintendo's strategy throughout the years.

"Since our division has been reviewing and developing a number of hardware, we are looking into many different things, including HD and SD," Genyo Takeda, General Manager Integrated Research & Development Division, revealed.  "Also included is the review over the systems with which the creators can easily create video games with limited budget and resources."

"However, we have not come to the stage where we can announce which is the most appropriate means. Since an increasing number of the TV sets at home around the world are becoming HD today, it will be natural for a machine to be able to generate graphics that people will be accustomed to see on HD televisions. Since the ordinary TV programs are now shifting to HD, moving to HD appears to me a natural flow."

I believe that we should take the most appropriate balance. We are not too much concerned about if the technology itself is the state-of-the-art or rather old-fashioned. If we can find out the most appropriate medium, between SD and HD, and flexibly move around them depending on the game's contents, it will be good, I think."

Takeda-san employed a fitting analogy to compare the storage space of a NES cartridge and a PS3 Blu-ray disc, but suggested that the increase in size doesn't correlate to the increase of game sales.

"If 24 kilo bytes of NES software can fit into 200cc tea cup, you will need enough water to fill a 25 meter swimming pool in order to make full use of a PS3 disc," he claimed.  "On the other hand, what has become of the sales per software? It has increased for sure, but it has not increased 1 million times, let alone 2 million times."

Revealing that Nintendo doesn't want to be caught behind however, Miaymoto-san quipped, "As long as my way of making games are concerned, all I am concerned about technologies is, we probably cannot swim against the tide."

"Won't HD be better for the games like Pikmin?" he pondered.  "The developers should choose the most appropriate graphical format depending on the software they make. To Nintendo, our theme is how we can prepare the SDK library to cater to the needs of the developers, with which the developers can more easily develop their games. In fact, Nintendo has been working with such mission."

Continuing the talk of Nintendo's next hardware move, Iwata-san described the technical hurdles that he and other developers had to leap to get the Nintendo64 to perform, which was addressed with the GameCube and Wii, and suggested they will "... keep this spirit for any future products."

Finally, Iwata-san suggested that the relationship between third-party publishers and Nintendo will have to change soon because "quite a few of the software makers are significantly concerned about the current situation".

Iwata-san explained, "In regard to the relationship, I often discuss with Mr. Hatano lately that we cannot foresee the future by saying, "It must be like this because it used to be that way in the past." It is time we have to invent new ways."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hulk Hogan TNA Debut and the future of TNA

Het TNA fans alot has happened in hte last month in TNA Kurt Angle lost hte TNA World Title(Hell Yeanh) Sting Retires(kinda) AJ Styles whens the TNA World Title(Best thing TNA ever did)  Kurt Angle Turns Face(Okay??) then the sign Hogan (the worst thing ever in TNA since jobbing out Christain Cage) yep Hogan the guy who killed WCW is now on TNA so you say Dixie Carter won't let Hogan take over maybe not completly at first but if no when he gets the TNA title it'll turn into Jaret and Angle all over again just not as entertaining so here's a little peek into TNA future

Hogan TNA Debut match

Hogan takes TNA title from AJ Styles (if they jobb AJ to Hogan in any copasity even an awsome match it would suck)

To  bad Booker T can't come in and wrestle AJ for the real TNA Title good luck TNA