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Well I just wanted to start by saying F**K Valve I've been hearing for months in
in the gaming underground about Valve and the PS3 and how they can't program
for it. Well Valve u hire some how can it's that easy bigger companies do it it's not
Valve is that small 3 of the biggest game in the indusrty Counter Strinke, Half Life
and Left for Dead and Left for Dead 2 (I mean big ass Left for Dead DLC pack that
they will charge u 50 dollers for). Yeah so it's not like Valve dosen't have the money
to hire a few PS3 programers or train some of the current emploees. It's not money
it's lazyness there to lazy they seee 360 and say oooo it's fake ass PC lets port this.
for more on this read the Kotaku article http://kotaku.com/5337257/valve-not-even-bothering-with-the-ps3-any-more
or go here for the anti Left for Dead2 Patition
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