Saturday, July 25, 2009

Night of champs card and predictions

Alright NoC is looking to be a cool PPV. What u did not see in the video was the
WWE Women's Championship (Melina Vs Micheal McCool and Divas Championship (Mickie James Vs Maryes). Like most WWE fans I have prediction on who will win so here are mine.

WWE Women's Championship Melina Vs Micheal McCool(C) winner Micheal
She just won the title about a mounth ago and being the top heel Diva on
Smackdown I don't see her dropping the Title just yet.

WWE U.S Championship 6 Pack Chalenge Big Show Vs Evan Bourne (sorry I mean) Carlito Vs The Miz Vs Jack Swagger Vs MVP Vs Koffi Kingston winner ???????
This ones up in the air cause my main pick to win this match is out (Evan Bourne) Koffi could retain (somehow) and contenue his fued with Big Show or Miz or Swagger could pick up the title and start a fued with Koffi.

WWE Intercontenental Championship Dolph Ziggler Vs Rey Mesterio Winner and
New IC Champ Dolph Ziggler I was at this weeks Smackdown tapping in Richmond, Va he said he would be the nex I belive him. Or he could lose and take the fued to Summerslam where he then would win.

WWE Divas Championship Mickie James Vs Maryes Winner and New Divas Champ Mickie James
Who did you think I was going for I'm from Richmond Mickie James FTW!!!!!

WWE Undiputed Tag Team Championship Jericho and ??????? Vs Legacy Winner Y2j
Well I think Y2j's has found the man with the skill and confadence to be his partner and that person is Y2J himself I don't think he'll pick anbody and he'll still win Ha!!

ECW Championship Christain Vs Dreamer Winner Christain
Of coures

WWE World Heavyweight Championship CM Punk Vs The Hardy Party Winner CM Punk
CM Punk will turn heel and beat Jeff some under handed way then Jeff will finaly have real reasion to complain about losing to Punk. And the fact that Jeff is taking a break after SummerSlam.

Main Event WWE Championship Randy Orton Vs HHH Vs Cena Winner ?????????
This ones up in the air I would like to Ortin retain but he did that all ready last time they did this mathis match and Wrestlemannia 24 I think.

So theres my Predictions post yours up or reply to mine in the posts thanks

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