Saturday, July 3, 2010
SvR the Rise of Cole Update
Well the first story arc of WWE Revisioned(working title) my Tri branded WWE SvR 2010 story is comming im still working out so issues. But when the Rise of Cole episode 1 comes out it will be released on the SvR 2010 server aswell as on youtube. So its comming soon. check this space.
Friday, May 21, 2010
E3 2009 Preview Nintendo
Well it's that time again like the Road to Wrestlemania my the anticipation and expetaion are at it's peak. The future of the gameing indusrty is about to unfold on June 14 - 17 in the LA Convention Center. In this post i'll go over somethings you can expect to see from Big N at there E3 Press Conference. which takes place at Tuseday June 15 at 9:00 am sharp.
Wii Sports Championship
All right there is more than a large chance that Nintendo will make another Wii Sports game and anounce it E3 well what is so special about another waggle fest well this one will marry one of Nintendo's biggest franchises with one of gamming biggest innovations ........ ONLINE support yeah the romur has it the next Wii Sports title romored to be subtitled Championship which could mean online leaderboards and/or full wifi support yup just imagin you and ur mom or you and your girlfriend playing Wii Sports: Championship tennis then u get a message from your best frined and his girl saying they want some 2 on 2 ur and yours play your freind and his girl from afar it sells it self,
High Voltage Studios brought the hardcore you've been wainting for with the Conduit the definitive FPS expresriance on the wii. Even though sales didnt reflect that HVS has decided to carry on and announced the Conduit 2 exclusively for Wii hopefally we'll get a playable demo.
Ok thats an officail boxart or game for that matter but the massive sales of the NSMBs allmost garanted a sequel. What else could they do with the frachise I don't know but it will be cool.
Of course I couldnt forget LoZ it's probly on of the most anticipated game of E3 and Big N has said the game will be there and maybe even be playble. I'm working on a indephth post about this latter.
Games that I hope will be there
Pokemon Black and White are due out this year in Japan so maybe it will so up at E3 but there hasent been a pokemon announcement at E3 since PokemonXD Gale of Darkness back in 04 so we'll put in the Hopefull catagory.
OK several years ago Nintendo announced a new Kirby game for gamecube it never came out the moved it to Wii it nevver came out mayber now is the time with Galaxy 2 only days away, Other M around the corner and LoZ on the herizon for this year and that leaves nothing for next year first party support that is where Kirby will hpefally.
Now i've read allitle about the project what little the is to read it's being worked on by Team Sora lead by Masahiro Sakurai the guy behind Smash Bros he says that the Project is something Nintendo couldn't do alone.
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Fifth Generation of Pokemon Pokemon Black and White
Pokemon Black and White the first 2 game of the fifth generation of the greatest portable gaming franchise ever Pokemon. Pokemon Black and White will release this year in Japan so far 5 new Pokemon have been announced. also 5th gen pokes play a role in the next Pokemon movie The Phantom Champion Zorark.
The Region this game takes place in is Isshu a new region that is said to be far away from the first 4 regions
The Region this game takes place in is Isshu a new region that is said to be far away from the first 4 regions
Friday, April 30, 2010
The Rise of Cold - introduction
For awhile now ive been making a created WWE storyline via SvR 2010 Create a Story mode thing and here is the first of many story arcs in my WWE. The RoC (The Rise of Cold) story is structured like a real episode of raw with multiple stories and matches that end at a PPV event thus the reasion it is called a story arc. This story takes place BEFORE Bragging Rights and the 2010 Draft so be prepared.
The Rise of Cold is a Raw based story that centers around the end of the guest host angle of raw with a new gm being named and raw being changed for every by the events following. Here are the main Superstars of this story arc.
The Miz
The Miz has just won his United States Championship from Kofi Kingston and is now on his road to superstardom, but with championships come challenges in the form of challengers like former champ Kofi will the Miz's road to Awsomeness be cut short buy the king Kofi Kingston or will hte both hit an All American road block.
Edge and Chris Jericho were put together as a tag team by Teddy Long the GM of Smackdown and the won the Unifide Tag Team Titles now The Edge of Jericho must contend with the best team in the WWE to protect the gold but can this new alance last.
Randy Orton
The Viper Randy Orton WWE's apex preditor and champion has dominated raw for mounths with a championship rain of terror Orton and his Legacy have beaten the likes of Triple H, Batista, and Shawn Michles. But now Orton must contend with long time rival John Cena for his coveted gold. There rivalry has hedlined WWE for along time now they finish it in a way that could change the face of the WWE.

The WWE Broadcast Teams
Vince Machman has ended the Guest host era of Raw and is now seeking a new General Manager for his flagship show. He now looks to his trusted broadcast teams of JR and Tazz, Jerry the King Lawler and Michel Cole, Matt Stryker and Josh Mathews to find the new GM of Raw. Lets see what links they will go to to get to the top. Can u trust your partner.
All names and character and rights belong to WWE, THQ and all the other corporate folks who might sue me or something thank you.
** Update **
The first Episode in the Rise of Cold story arc will debut June 8th the first Episode title is The Last Curtain Call.
I'm Back (Again)
Yup i'm back again i know ive done this like 20 times already, but im back i've got a new PC so all the old pics are preaty much lost, but not to fear im working on a solution and I have a lot of things in store for thsi place so watch this space for updates.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Damn 2010 looks good
yup im back and quoting the great Ron Simmons when I say Damn! 2010 looks to be a good year in gamming I just got my PS3(for Christmas) so my gamming repatuar has expanded to all those cool HD titles u cant get on wii but thats not to say that the wii is out of luck for gamming no im actualy more exited about the Wii 2010 linup. So here we go my picks for most looking forward to games of 2010.
Final Fantasy XIII
No More Heroes 2 Desprit Struggle
Of course if u read this blog or u know me personaly then u knew this game would be on this list. Iv'e been super hype about hte game since I saw the first clip for it at E3 08 I think, NMH2 is a sequal to Suda51's cult classic No More Heroes exclusively for the Wii.
God of War 3
Yup u know I've gotta let my Sony fan boy side out for this one. GoW3 is to us fnas of the Tray what Gears of War is to u Webols out there. I mean what better way is there to releave the stress of a day dealing with annoying people then to cut and tear ur way thru hoards of enemys in hte most bloody and violent way possible.
Tetsunoko Vs Capcom
This game takes me back to the old days of me and buds sitting on the couch playing Marvel Ve Capcom. Now it's spirtual sucsesor TvC is exclusive to Wii and it has Wifi support so let the ponage begin.
That's it for this week I'll have 4 more titles for u to look out for next so watch this space.
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